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Residents Gain Big-Picture View of Pharmacy

Congratulations to the three residents who have just completed the 12-month Postgraduate, Year 1 (PGY1) Managed Care/PBM Residency Program at Liviniti! During rotations across our company, Nasir Kaker, Kenzie Donaldson and Paulina Liepinyte gained a big-picture view of our industry, from clinical to formulary to prior authorization and more, as they launched their pharmacy careers.

“At Liviniti, residents experience both the business and people sides of pharmacy as they work to help clients stretch their benefit dollars and members afford their medications,” says William Bell, Director, Clinical Client Services and Managed Care/PBM Residency Program. Bill explains that hands-on activities, mentoring, and the opportunity to contribute to new and ongoing projects combine with an up-close understanding of our Liviniti approach to help prepare the next generation of pharmacists and pharmacy leaders.

In 2016, the first year Liviniti participated in the program, just one application was received – compared to 12 applications for 3 residency positions in 2023. Word-of-mouth and valuable PBM experiences drive interest in the Liviniti program.

“We’ve benefited from exposure to all the cogs and wheels that make Liviniti turn,” says Kenzie Donaldson. “I have been amazed to see how easy it is for account managers to create customized approaches that help clients get what they want out of their pharmacy benefits.”

Bill Bell adds that, “Over the years, our residency program has grown in so many ways. Resident pharmacists are embarking on an exciting time at the beginning of their careers. We want them to succeed and are giving them the tools and experiences to do that.”